Overview of levelling network 1:50,000
Overview of levelling network 1:50,000 (PVNS 50) is a multicoloured reprint of thematic content into the suppressed Base map of the Czech Republic 1:50,000 (ZM 50). The subjects of the thematic content are the level networks of I. – IV. order, grid levelling networks of the Czech Republic and the division into map sheets of the State Map 1:50,000, including the name of the map sheet and the division into map sheets of the State Map 1:5,000. Levelling lines of IV. order are displayed with a selection of levelling points. Particular levelling lines are differentiated by colour. Each map sheet contains a map legend with the selection of the most common map symbols. Currently, PVNS 50 is only printed on order.
Data identification
Source name: Overview of levelling network 1:50,000
Alternative name: PVNS 50
Reference datum
Reference date: 2020-12-31
Event: revision
Data identifier
Unique identifier: https://cuzk.cz/CZ-00025712-CUZK_PVNS50_T
Unique identifier: 63262
Contact to the organisation responsible for the data
Person name: Jindrák, Přemysl, Ing..
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 047 425
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
E-mail: premysl.jindrak@cuzk.cz
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Other information:
Abstract: Overview of levelling network 1:50,000 (PVNS 50) is a multicoloured reprint of thematic content into the suppressed Base map of the Czech Republic 1:50,000 (ZM 50).
The subjects of the thematic content are the level networks of I. – IV. order, grid levelling networks of the Czech Republic and the division into map sheets of the State Map 1:50,000, including the name of the map sheet and the division into map sheets of the State Map 1:5,000. Levelling lines of IV. order are displayed with a selection of levelling points. Particular levelling lines are differentiated by colour.
Each map sheet contains a map legend with the selection of the most common map symbols. Currently, PVNS 50 is only printed on order.
Responsible organisation
Person name: Jindrák, Přemysl, Ing..
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 047 425
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
E-mail: premysl.jindrak@cuzk.cz
Online sourceContact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Maintenance info
Maintenance and update frequency: asNeeded
Date of planned source revision:
Maintenance note: Vzhledem k přípravě nové edice státního mapového díla byla aktualizace PVNS 50 od roku 2021 pozastavena.
Maintenance note: https://geoportal.cuzk.cz/Dokumenty/PVNS50.pdf
Keyword: Buildings
Keyword: Transport networks
Keyword: Protected sites
Keyword: Land cover
Keyword: Administrative units
Keyword: Hydrography
Keyword: Geographical names
Keyword: Elevation
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2008-06-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus: Name of the organisation: Joint Research Centre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: administrative boundary
Keyword: building
Keyword: infrastructure of traffic
Keyword: geographical information, geographic information (US), geoinformation, (geo)spatial information
Keyword: map lettering
Keyword: thematic map
Keyword: thematic state map series
Keyword: hydrography
Keyword: hypsography
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2009-01-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus: Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: protected areas
Keyword: land use
Keyword: level network I. - IV. order
Keyword: grid levelling network
Keyword: scale 1:50,000
Keyword: scale 1:50000
Keyword: 50,000
Keyword: 50000
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datumOrganisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Source restriction
Access and use terms: According to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
Data registered in the National Open Data Catalogue: No
Type of spatial representation: grid
Spatial resolution
Correspondent scale
Scale factor: 50000
Source language: cze
Character set: utf8
Thematic category: location
Thematic category: structure
Thematic category: transportation
Thematic category: environment
Thematic category: elevation
Thematic category: boundaries
Thematic category: inlandWaters
Data extension
Extent information: 100 % of the Czech Republic territory, i.e. 78,865 km2.
Geographic limitations
Minimal bounding box
Westernmost coordinate: 12.09
Easternmost coordinate: 18.86
Southernmost coordinate: 48.55
Northernmost coordinate: 51.06
Time extent -
Altitude extension
Minimal value: 115.0
Maximal value: 1602.0
Vertical datum: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/5705
Reference system (horizontal, vertical or temporal)
Coordinate reference system identifier
Reference system citation
Source name: S-JTSK / Krovak East North
Alternative name: S-JTSK / Krovak EN
Reference date
Reference date: 2011-05-09
Event: revision
Other information:
Contact information:
Name of the organisation: Land Survey Office
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 043 533
Phone: +420 284 043 534
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
E-mail: prodejna.map.praha@cuzk.cz
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information: Přesné informace o otevírací době jednotlivých prodejen map jsou uvedeny na http://www.cuzk.cz/Dokument.aspx?PRARESKOD=30&MENUID=10414&AKCE=DOC:10-PRODEJNA_MAP.
Role: distributor
Means of order
Charges: According to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
Transfer possibilities
Units of distribution: ZM 50 map sheet (450 km2)
Size of transfer unit in MB: 0
Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download-eshop
Name: hardcopy
Data quality
Level of scope
Quality description level: series
Report - INSPIRE complianceTest identifier: CZ-00025712-CUZK_ZM50_RB-DQ_DomainConsistency -1
Alternative name: DIRECTIVE 2007/2/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
Reference date
Reference date: 2007-04-26
Event: publication
Test description: Data set series conformity testing with INSPIRE implementing rules for spatial data sets and services interoperability.
Degree of conformity: false
Report – completness – omissionMeasure name: Evaluation of completeness of Czech Republic territory coverage
Measure identification: CZ-00025712-CUZK_PVNS50_T-DQ_CompletenessOmission-1
Measure description: Evaluation of completeness of Czech Republic territory coverage by PVNS 50.
Date and time of the measure: 2012-11-14T12:00:00
Test result – quantitative
Value domain: %
Units of measure: http://geoportal.gov.cz/res/units.xml#percent
Value: 100
Data origin
Data origin information: