Base map of the Czech Republic at 1 : 25000
Base Map of the Czech Republic at 1 : 25 000 (ZM 25) is the basic state map series of medium scale and is conceived as a general geographic map, i.e., map of a topographic nature. It shopws the entire territory of the Czech Republic in a contiguous map layout, the territory of the Czech Republic is shown on 773 map sheets. Dimensions and indexing of map sheets of ZM 25 are derived from the map layout of the Base map of the Czech at 1 : 50 000 divided into four sections. The name of a map sheet is the same as the name of the largest settlement (according to the number of inhabitants) shown on the respective map sheet.
The ZM 25 contains planimetry, altimetry and lettering. Planimetry contains settlements and individual objects, communication networks, hydrology, administrative and cadastral boundaries, boundaries of protected areas, vegetation and soil surface. Altimetry shows terrain relief shown as contour lines and terrain steps. Map lettering consists of toponymy of objects, standardized geographic nomenclature, contour values, height values, border information and external information. Map sheets also contain planimetric net of orthogonal coordinates. Map lettering is shown for the territory of the Czech Republic only.
Since 2002, the ZM 25 is produced using digital technology from the Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED®) and the database of geographic names of the Czech Republic Geonames. In 2009 this new form of ZM 25 has been completed for the territory of the Czech Republic and is further continuously updated. Creation and update of the ZM 25 is facilitated by the Land Survey Office.
Information on ZM 25 available data files can be found in the right hand menu of this page.
To order data and prints you can use the internet shop.
ZM 25 is available through view services described in section Network services.
View service can be freely used in all applications (clients). Map window in starting page of the Application section or Geoviewer client can be exploited to visualise the service at the ČÚZK Geoportal.
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Author: 192