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Imperial Imprints of the Stable Cadastre - Bohemia

Imperial Imprints of the Stable Cadastre - Moravia and Silesia

Toposections 1:25 000 from the Third Military Mapping

Collection of maps and plans until 1850  

State Map 1:5000

State Map 1:5000-derived - S-1952

Raster data of new form SM 5

Special Maps from the Third Military Mapping

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 5000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 10 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 25 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 50 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 100 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 200 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 500 000

Maps of the Registry of Real Estates 1 : 2 880 - Bohemia

Maps of the Registry of Real Estates 1 : 2 880 - Moravia and Silesia

Maps of Cultivation of the Stable Cadastre 1837-1844

Original maps of the Stable Cadastre 1:2 880 – Bohemia

Cadastral correction sheets 1:2880 – Bohemia

Cadastral correction sheets 1:2880 – Moravia and Silesia

Basic map ČR 1:10 000

Basic map ČR 1:25 000

Basic map ČR 1:50 000

Basic map ČR 1:100 000

Basic map ČR 1:200 000


State Map 1:5000

Product information
NameState Map 1:5000
Commercial code63815
Export unitSM 5 map sheet (2,5x2 km)
Unit priceAccording to Regulation No 645/2004 Sb.
Export formatsJPEG
Coordinate systemsS-JTSK / Krovak East North
Product descriptionThe State Map 1:5 000-derived, published continuously since 1950, was originally intended as a provisional arrangement. For the first editon, the planimetry was derived from cadastral maps and altimetry from the most suitable existing backgrounds, e.g. from the topographic maps in the S-1952 datum, if necessary even from topographic sections of the 3rd military mapping. The planimetry contained settlements, transport network, waters, forests, adniministrative boundaries and topographic details as bridges, devotional pillars, statues, chimneys, towers etc. using the map symbols in grey. The altimetry was represented by contour lines depending on used altimetric bacgrounds, spot heights and, as necessary, by technical or topograhical hachures including the map lettering in brown. The graphic design of the map frame differed at the time: for the first edition scale lines of planimetric net of Křovák´s univers conform conic projection coordinates are signalized on the simple linear frame in a half-kilometer interval. Up to 1990 these maps were not intended for the public and could have been used only for internal need of state bodies and socialistic organisations.
Update cycle - update state After scanning of the whole data series the update is further terminated; it is an archival document that is not a subject of update.
Conditions applying to access and useAccording to Regulation No 645/2004 Sb.
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Contact - product informationLand Survey Office, e-mail:
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