Database of geodetic control network - introduction
Database of geodetic control contains geodetic control data for the territory of the Czech Republic which can be used for determining of precise location of objects in mandatory reference systems. The database of geodetic kontrol is a part of the surveying information system and is one of the information systems of the Public Office. The Surveying Office is the custodian of the database.
Geodetic Control is a collection of the base network of spatial reference, height, and gravimetry points and a set of condensing points and points of detailed point networks. The base point network forms the geodetic base on the territory of the Czech Republic. The geodetic control network is maintained by the Surveying office, condensing points and detailed point network are managed by the local cadastral offices according to their territorial jurisdiction.
Data from the geodetic control network are provided in the form of geodetic data which contain the point number or name, identification of the registration unit, point coordinates or its height or gravity, data on associated points, location of the point, data on the point stability and its restoration and location (district, municipality, cadastral unit, map sheet index). The geodetic control network is made available on the internet since 2004. Initially, it contained only points of the basic geodetic and height control network and densifying points. Later, it was expanded to contain basic gravity point network and points of the detailed height network. Since 2008, the geodetic survey network database provides access to points of the detailed gravity network maintained within the information system of cadastre of real estate.
The geodetic control database can be accessed using the free viewing service WMS-Geodetic Control that can be exploited in all applications (clients). The service with request option to attributes of geodetic data can be exploited in the Geoviewer application.
DBP data is freely accessible as open data via the WFS Geodetic Controls download service.
They are also made available using the Geoviewer web application, which makes it possible to query the descriptive attributes of geodetic data about the points of the geodetic controls also on mobile devices (mobile phones or tablets) directly in the location where the user with the given device is located. The listed functions are enabled by the WMS Geodetic Controls viewing service in all WMS clients.
DBP is further made available through the web application.
Bulk output from the geodetic survey network database is charged according to the current price list of the Land Survey Office and can be ordered using the contact email:
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