Geoportal ČÚZK
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Geonames - introduction

Geonames is the database of geographic names of the Czech Republic (CR) at the level of detail of the Base map of the CR at 1:10 000 (BM 10). It is maintained as a seamless database for the entire territory of the ČR in a centralised information system administered by the Land Survey Office. Geonames is a part of the surveying information system and is one of information systems of the State administration.

Geonames contains a complete set of spatial and attribute data on standardized geographic names and names of settlement units. Standardized geographic name is maintained as a part of attribute information to approx. 165 types of named geographic objects. Geometric representation of some Geonames objects is the same as geographic object of ZABAGED®, to which the name applies. Another group of objects, primarily all field and forest lots and local parts of settlements have a simplified geometry corresponding to the location of its map lettering in the state map series (SMS).

The Geonames database is a result of the standardization process of geographic names carried out under the auspices of the ČÚZK since the 70ties of the past century for the purposes of the SMS. Digitization of the original register commenced in 1997, population of the Geonames database was completed in 2005. Since 2006 the Geonames database has been continually updated and new data have been added in cooperation with local self-governments and cadastre offices as part of creation of the digital cadastral map, renewal of cadastral documentation and implemented land consolidation. Consequent to expanding demands on Geonames related to Geonames data exploitation for searching of geographic objects through the ČÚZK Geoportal applications, the European web service EuroGeoNames and in conjunction with preparation of a new database technology of Land Survey Office map production processing, a new modification of the data model and management processes of Geonames was implemented in 2009. The result is a move of Geonames from the system for management of Base map of the CR 1:10 000 map lettering to the system for management of named objects regardless the scale of map. Simultaneously, the Geonames database was enlarged by the toponymic content of selected maps of small scales that resulted in e.g. adding names of geomorphological units (mountains, lowlands), which are not a part of ZABAGED® as well as addition of standardized geographical names from cadastral maps.

The Geonames database is updated periodically. Simultaneously, selected objects are updated continuously. Updated version is published on Geoportal.

You can search for geographical names from the territory of the Czech Republic on the ČÚZK Geoportal in the Geoviewer application, which also allows you to search by category and territorial affiliation when using the Geonames database. A selection of data from Geonames can also be found in the handy encyclopedia of names Geographical Names of the Czech Republic from the edition of the publication Geographical Name Lists of the United Nations – the Czech Republic, which is available in printed form and in PDF format for download. You can find the publication in the Maps / Publications section.
Geonames file datasets are provided in selected formats by ATOM download services as open data from 01/07/2023, free of charge under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.
Another option for data distribution is the export of data slices in the Geoviewer application and WFS and ArcGIS REST services.
You can use the eshop application to order data in other formats and other forms of distribution.

Last update: 26.06.2023
Last revision:
Author: 224