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Map of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:200,000

Map of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:500,000

Map of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:1,000,000

Map of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:2,000,000


Map of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:2,000,000

Product information
NameMap of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:2,000,000
Commercial code63245
Export unitCzech Republic
Unit priceAccording to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
Export formatsTISK, PDF
Coordinate systemsS-JTSK / Krovak East North
Product descriptionMap of Administrative Division of the Czech Republic 1:2,000,000 is printed out on paper of A4 form. It contains boundaries, settlements and map lettering. The boundaries are distinguished on national, regional, district and municipalities with extended powers boundaries. The map lettering includes names of the capital Prague, names of region and district towns, name of the map and the map scale with tirage data, the data of graphic scale and the code list of regions. Particular regions are distinguished by colour of filled areas, municipalities with extended powers are distinguished by the shades of colour of the relevant region. Rear side of the map contains a list of municipalities with extended powers arranged by self-governing regions.
Update cycle - update state The last edition of the map is from 2021.
Conditions applying to access and useAccording to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
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Contact - product informationCzech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, e-mail:
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