Coordinate systems
Coordinate systems supported in the ČÚZK view and download services:
The coordinate reference systems supported in the ČÚZK view and download services are marked by the standardized names and numeric codes. We use names and codes taken from the EPSG dataset, which is an international registry of coordinate reference systems and the standard for the use of coordinate reference systems in GIS applications as well. Furthermore, we use some alternative codes that are not standardized within the EPSG, but are also used in GIS applications.
System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network(S-JTSK):
S-JTSK is legal geodetic reference system on the territory of the Czech Republic according to Government Regulation No. 159/2023 Coll. as amended. The view and download services support coordinate reference systems represented by EPSG codes 5514 and 5221 with the mathematical orientation of the coordinate axes (the x-axis points to the east, the y-axis points to the north, both coordinates are negative on the territory of the Czech Republic).
Name according to EPSG | EPSG code | Alternative code | Note |
S-JTSK / Krovak East North | 5514 | 102067* | Uses Krovak projection with the mathematical orientation of the coordinate axes, defined from the Greenwich prime meridian |
S-JTSK (Ferro) / Krovak East North | 5221 | 102066* | Uses Krovak projection with the mathematical orientation of the coordinate axes, defined from the Ferro prime meridian |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89):
ETRS89 is a legal geodetic reference system in the Czech Republic according to Government Regulation No. 159/2023 Coll. as amended and a mandatory coordinate reference system in the EU according to the INSPIRE Directive. Apart from expressing ETRS89 in geographical coordinates, the Government Regulation and INSPIRE allow the use of planar coordinate systems of its cartographic projections. The use of these coordinate reference systems is defined in the topic Coordinate reference systems.
Name according to EPSG | EPSG code | INSPIRE designation | Note |
ETRS89 | 4258 | ETRS89-GRS80 | projection using geographic coordinates (also geographic projection or geographic 2D) is used |
ETRS89 / LCC Europe | 3034 | ETRS89-LCC | Lambert Conic Conformal projection is used |
ETRS89 / LAEA Europe | 3035 | ETRS89-LAEA | Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection is used |
ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N (N-E) | 3045 | ETRS89-TM33N | Universal Transverse Mercator projection (UTM) is used, central meridian 15° |
ETRS89 / UTM zone 34N (N-E) | 3046 | ETRS89-TM34N | Universal Transverse Mercator projection (UTM) is used, central meridian 21° |
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84):
WGS84 is a legal geodetic reference system on the territory of the Czech Republic according to Government Regulation No. 159/2023 Coll. as amended. The following coordinate reference systems are supported in view and download services:
Name according to EPSG | EPSG code | Alternative code | Note |
WGS 84 | 4326 | projection using geographic coordinates (also geographic projection or geographic 2D) is used | |
WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N | 32633 | Universal Transverse Mercator projection (UTM) is used, central meridian 15° | |
WGS 84 / UTM zone 34N | 32634 | Universal Transverse Mercator projection (UTM) is used, central meridian 21° | |
WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator | 3857 | 900913 | Pseudo-Mercator projection is used (Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator) |
Height reference systems:
The following height reference systems are further used in the data, services and applications of the ČÚZK Geoportal:Baltic Vertical System - After Adjustment (Bpv):
Bpv is a legal geodetic reference system on the territory of the Czech Republic according to Government Regulation No. 159/2023 Coll., as amended.
Name according to EPSG | EPSG code | Alternative code | Note |
Baltic 1957 height | 8357 | 5705* | Uses Normal heights, defined by mean sea level of the Baltic Sea in Kronstadt |
European Height Reference System (EVRS):
EVRS is a legal geodetic reference system on the territory of the Czech Republic according to Government Regulation No. 159/2023 Coll. as amended, and a legal coordinate reference system in the EU according to the INSPIRE Directive. The use of this reference system is defined in the topic Coordinate reference systems.
Name according to EPSG | EPSG code | Alternative code | Note |
EVRF2007 height | 5621 | Uses Normal heights, defined by mean sea level of the North Sea in Amsterdam |
Coordinate systems used for exporting raster and vector data files:
In addition to publishing data via the view and download services of the direct access, pre-packed raster and vector data files are published. These pre-packed files are provided within the relevant output units in the following coordinate reference systems:
Name | EPSG code |
S-JTSK / Krovak East North | 5514 |
WGS 84 (geographic 2D) | 4326 |
WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N | 32633 |
WGS 84 / UTM zone 34N | 32634 |
ETRS89 (geographic 2D) | 4258 |
ETRS89 / TM33 | 3045 |
ETRS89 / TM34 | 3046 |
Accuracy of transformations between coordinate systems:
Within the view and download services, approximate coordinate transformations are performed, which is given by the possibilities of the publishing software. The accuracy of the transformation between the S-JTSK and ETRS89 is in the order of decimetres to 1 m. Therefore, the result of a query to the service is not affected by this inaccuracy only when requesting the service in the coordinate system in which the source data is stored. The orthophoto of the Czech Republic is stored in both systems due to the requirement for service accuracy in S-JTSK and ETRS89-TMzn.The following transformations are registered in the EPSG database for use in GIS applications:
Name according to EPSG | EPSG code | Conversion surface | Note |
S-JTSK to ETRS89 (1) | 1622 | Transformation between legally given systems S-JTSK and ETRS89, with an approximate accuracy of decimetres to 1m. | |
S-JTSK-05 to ETRS89 (1) | 5226 | Transformation between the reference systems, the working S-JTSK/05 and the legally given ETRS89, whose accuracy is in the order of centimetres. | |
ETRS89 to Baltic 1957 height (2) | 10567 | CR2005.GTX* | Height transformation between the ETRS89 (GRS80) and Bpv reference systems with an accuracy of centimetres. |
ETRS89 to ETRS89 + Baltic 1957 height (2) | 10568 |
For accurate transformations (with a mean position error of approximately 4 cm when converting between S-JTSK and ETRS89), the Transformation Service of the ČÚZK Geoportal is available, using the calculation module of the ETJTZU 2019 software. The client of the service - the Coordinate Transformation application - is available on the ČÚZK Geoportal and allows the transformation of coordinates of individual points, text files with coordinate lists or files in GML format.
Overview of the different definitions of the S-JTSK and S-JTSK/05 coordinate systems:
S-JTSKS-JTSK is defined in the plane of the Krovak projection (double conformal conic projection in general position). The X-axis points south, the Y-axis points west. The X-axis is the image of the prime meridian located 42°30' east of the Ferro zero meridian. The definition of S-JTSK corresponds to the coordinate reference system registered under EPSG code 2065: S-JTSK (Ferro) / Krovak. However, this coordinate reference system is not suitable for the use in GIS applications due to the non-standard orientation of the coordinate axes. Therefore, coordinate reference systems that preserve the mathematical orientation of the coordinate axes (x-axis east, y-axis north) are used:
System | Orientation X / Y | Prime meridian | |||
Greenwich | Ferro | ||||
Code | Name | Code | Name | ||
S-JTSK | south / west | 5513 | S-JTSK / Krovak | 2065 | S-JTSK (Ferro) / Krovak |
east / north | 5514 | S-JTSK / Krovak East North | 5221 | S-JTSK (Ferro) / Krovak East North |
Unlike S-JTSK, the S-JTSK/05 coordinate system is not legally given in the Czech Republic. However, it is used as a working system that mediates the transformation between ETRS89 and S-JTSK. The S-JTSK/05 system is defined by the so-called modified Krovak projection. The X-axis points south, the Y-axis points west. The S-JTSK/05 system is defined in the EPSG dataset in different ways, which, as in the case of S-JTSK, depend on the choice of the zero meridian and the orientation of the coordinate axes:
System | Orientation X / Y | Prime meridian | |||
Greenwich | Ferro | ||||
Code | Name | Code | Name | ||
S-JTSK/05 | south / west | 5515 | S-JTSK/05 / Modified Krovak | 5224 | S-JTSK/05 (Ferro) / Modified Krovak |
east / north | 5516 | S-JTSK/05 / Modified Krovak East North | 5225 | S-JTSK/05 (Ferro) / Modified Krovak East North |
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