Geoportal ČÚZK
Access to map products and services

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Accessibility Declaration

Pieces of information related to the discharge of public administration are at the ČÚZK Geoportal web presentation published in the way that also the disabled could get acquainted with these pieces of information. It means that the ČÚZK Geoportal web presentation meets the requirements of Public Notice No. 64/2008 on Form of Publishing Information Related to the Discharge of Public Administration by the Web Pages for the Disabled (Accessibility Notice).

During the creation and administration of the ČÚZK Geoportal webpage there was acted according to the methodologies WCAG Priority 1&2 (AA) and Rules of an Accessible Web.
The webpage is created according to XHTML 1.0 Strictspecification and they observe the syntactic and semantic correctness. The contents and style are separated using CSS and so the web can be presented on other output devices. The font size is defined in relative units, which makes possible to increase or decrease the size in browser settings.

Accessibility Exceptions

There are applied exceptions from following voidable rules in the web presentation:

Information published by scripts, objects, applets, cascading styles, cookies and other accessories on the user side are available even without these accessories (Rule No. 3).Neither the contents nor webpage code can suppose or require a specific way of use or a specific programme equipment (Rule No. 9).
Exception: Web presentation requires for its smooth functionality JavaScript (map viewing) and cookies. It deals with map viewing, metadata client (CSW client), and Business module opening.As for maps, with respect to their graphic nature, there is a need that the user is able to sense them by sight.

Information published by scripts, objects, applets, cascading styles, cookies and other accessories on the user side are available even without any of these accessories.
Exception: Map viewing, metadata client (CSW client), Business module opening require JavaScript.

New windows are opened only in reasonable cases and the user shall be informed in advance (Rule No. 11).
Exception: The Business module, map applications and links to other web pages are opened in a new window.

Accessibility Audit

The Accessibility Audit was performed in January 2009 by the staff of TyfloCentrum Brno, social enterprise, co-implementer of the Blind Friendly Web project. According to the performed tests the web presentation can be declared as accessible for seriously disabled users. TyfloCentrum Brno, social enterprise, also confirms that the ČÚZK Geoportal web presentation on the date April 6th 2009 meets the requirements of Public Notice No. 64/2008 on accessibility of web pages of public administration bodies.

Web Administrator Contact

Your suggestions, remarks or information about problems you may faced when using this web can be sent to These contacts serve only for solution of technical issues related to this web presentation.